Making Selections

2023年9月14日—Tappingintomachinelearningtechnologies,PhotomatorisaphotoeditorthatoffersastepupfromApplePhotosandanaffordable ...,Photomatorisapowerfulyeteasy-to-usephotoeditorforMac,iPhone,iPad,andVisionPro.Itincludesanextensivecollectionofpowerf...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Photomator 3.1 review: A machine

2023年9月14日 — Tapping into machine learning technologies, Photomator is a photo editor that offers a step up from Apple Photos and an affordable ...


Photomator is a powerful yet easy-to-use photo editor for Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Vision Pro. It includes an extensive collection of powerful color ...

Working with selective adjustments

Open a photo you'd like to edit. Tap to open the Color Adjustments tool. Tap Add at the top of the tool options pane and choose an option: Adjustments.

Selective editing

... selective editing that you get in Snapseed or silver efex pro. I'm trying to do all my editing on my iPad Pro. Pixelmator photo + Apple Pencil = greatness

Pixelmator Photo gets AI

2023年4月12日 — The new selective adjustments feature in Photomator makes it easier than ever to create stunning edits, with a whole new level of creative ...

Selective Color

You can adjust Selective Color manually, or automatically using the machine learning-powered ML Enhance. ShowHideMake adjustments to precise colors in an image.

Selective Clarity

Selective Clarity. Selective Clarity adjustment lets you enhance image texture and clarity exclusively in the shadows, midtones, and highlights of an image.


2023年9月14日—Tappingintomachinelearningtechnologies,PhotomatorisaphotoeditorthatoffersastepupfromApplePhotosandanaffordable ...,Photomatorisapowerfulyeteasy-to-usephotoeditorforMac,iPhone,iPad,andVisionPro.Itincludesanextensivecollectionofpowerfulcolor ...,Openaphotoyou'dliketoedit.TaptoopentheColorAdjustmentstool.TapAddatthetopofthetooloptionspaneandchooseanoption:Adjustments.,...selectiveed...
